This is where I go out on a limb and ponder a while.

Friday, December 30, 2011


I had a conversation with a friend about New Year's Resolutions. The question was "Can anyone ever keep their New Year's Resolution?  More specifically, can we change anything at our age?  We get so set in our ways, why bother even trying anymore.  I see many people in my age group making that statement.  "I don't make resolutions because I know I won't keep them anyway".  Ok, we do have a hard time changing our ways as we get older.  But I believe it's possible.  But usually one needs a catalyst to bring about a life change.  Most people call it a 'wake-up call'.  And I think I can safely say that it's usually not a pleasant experience.  It can be losing a job, losing a loved one, a near-death experience, chronic illness, financial disaster, a relationship break-up.  I'm sure there are many more scenarios that can be devastating to an individual.  The point is, it causes you to suddenly, shockingly, see your life with a new perspective.  What you previously valued may not be important anymore.  You may now feel a sense of urgency to try new things, cultivate new relationships or nurture more carefully the ones you have.  You also see with a new clarity how much time you may have wasted, and therefore, the need to be a wise steward of your body, life, the world around you, and your commodities become a priority.

Strangely enough, then, a wake-up call, although no fun at the time, can be a blessing if you choose to turn the experience around and make something positive come out of it.

I've always been a fraidy-cat.  Yep, always played it safe.  But I went through a life-changing experience this past summer.  I was seriously ill.  Spent 5 days in the hospital, the doctors didn't know what was wrong with me.  We found out later from the blood tests that I had Powassan virus (a tick-borne virus).  There have only been 6 recorded cases of it in my state (7 now, if you include me), and fewer than 60 cases in the United States.  10-15 percent of people who contract the virus die, and many people who survive end up with long-term problems.  Lucky me.  I am fine, no residual effects.  But let me tell you, I see things so differently now!  I feel as though I have been given a second chance and I'm not going to waste it.  I am trying new things that I used to be afraid of.  For example, I have always been afraid of horses since I got thrown off when I was a teen.  This summer I went on a trail ride on steep mountain trails out in Wyoming.  Our guide was impressed - he said if I could do that ride, I could ride any horse.  Yeehaw!  We're considering plopping a couple of horses down on our ranch some day.  I am laughing more and relaxing more.  I've always been convinced that healthy eating is important, but now it's a passion - I need to live to be 100 to do everything I want to do!  My 50th birthday is coming up in 2 months.  I've always tried to let my birthday slip by un-noticed.  Not this year.  I haven't decided what I will do, but I am going to be celebrating in a BIG WAY!

Here's E.  She's a pretty happy kid right now!

And me at the end of a two-hour trail ride.  Tired, but I did it!

I guess I don't really have a specific New Year's Resolution.  Just to LIVE LIFE in a BIGGER WAY!

Happy New Year!


  1. I totally agree with your view -- but about the healthy eating.... :)

  2. With your new sense of adventure I am looking forward to hearing what you will plan for your birthday.

  3. This post was so inspiring to me, Marie. I've always been a fraidy-cat too and I thought that when I turned 40 (3 years ago) that I would break out of that...but I haven't. Thanks for giving me food for thought today.


  4. 50 was such a perfect age for me to attain. You will love it also. I promise.
