This is where I go out on a limb and ponder a while.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Introvert Alert

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  I am an introvert.  No, I'm not shy.  It's not the same as being an introvert.  Shyness is defined as:  "Easily frightened by strangers, distrustful, suspicious, bashful..." and I am none of those.  People who are introverts tend to be uncomfortable in large groups of people for the simple reason that it is just plain exhausting.  We draw our energy from solitude.  I can take being around a large group of people for short periods of time, but then I need to escape for some quiet time, or I will get very tired and cranky.  And I have no desire to be the center of attention - ever.

So imagine how I felt about having a big birthday bash for my 50th birthday coming up in a few weeks.


Yes, that is an upside-down smiley face.  My oldest daughter and my husband decided to have a birthday party for me because it is a big deal, right?  And they are so thoughtful to do so, aren't they?  I should have been thrilled, but I wasn't.  What was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking:

1.  I was thinking about a house full of people.
2.  Me being the guest of honor.
3.  Not being able to sneak out for some quiet time for the whole day.
4.  People paying attention to me for at least some of the time - usually my husband gets all the attention, he's an extrovert and he loves it.

So I said "No."

For a few days, anyway.  But then I remembered my New Year's resolution and then decided to go ahead with it.

 "As long as there's champagne involved", I said.

I still haven't thought of something really exciting to do in order to celebrate turning 50, but having a party is a start.  I may even let someone take a picture of me...


  1. I can relate to you on many levels of this. I'm pretty sure the champagne will help. It would me anyway. ;)

    I hope it's a wonderful time for you!

  2. Enjoy and have a wonderful time - let everybody else wait on you!

  3. First of all a very happy 50th belated birthday. I hope you enjoyed your party all to thunder!

    God bless and have a joyous day sweetie!!! :o)

  4. I read this post in my reader, then got distracted and forgot to comment. Gah.

    I don't do well in crowds. I don't like parties. If someone suggested to throw one for me, which if they knew me well, they wouldn't -- I'd say no and not have a second thought.

    I can be blunt when necessary. I figure I've earned it. ;)
