This is where I go out on a limb and ponder a while.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stepping Out

It's been a while, I know.  I haven't had a lot to say on this blog.  It doesn't seem to be the thing to do lately. You know - gardening, traveling, kid on summer vacation, all that summer stuff.  Now that it's fall and I haven't yet gotten elbow-deep into processing venison, I have some time to myself again.

I have started a new blog - hope you'll get a chance to check it out.  It's called Authentic Regards.  See it at   It's just another facet of me, giving myself a push to take my writing in another direction.  I need to prod myself sometimes, in order to get something accomplished.  I was a published writer at one time, but them E. came along, and she has been pretty much my whole life for the past 11 years.  I guess I need to wake up and poke my head out of the 'mommy hole' as one writer put it so eloquently :)

We took several trips this summer and it was great fun. Traveling is always a conundrum for me because I love to see different places, but I am basically a homebody, so it takes me way out of my comfort zone.  Love my own bed, need my own kitchen, you know?   This is a picture I took of a sunset on Lake Kabetogema, MN.  We spent a week at a resort there.  Lots of fishing, swimming, boating, and relaxing.

We put in a garden at the ranch, basically just as an experiment and it went wild!  We didn't fertilize or use any pesticides and everything produced heavily.  So I guess the soil is good there...  The only problem we had was with woodchucks.  Once again the apples orchard harvest was outstanding.  I'm still making applesauce and pies.  New recipe ideas are welcome!  I would love a new pie crust recipe - not happy with my old standard.  Seems as though the Crisco ingredients have changed and it doesn't turn out like it used to.

I have missed my blog buddies and plan on patrolling all of your blogs again!  Hopefully I will also find some new blogs to add to my list.

Here is a newcomer to our menagerie.  His name is Hairy (as of today).  He showed up one day in July, about one week after our dear Oliver died.  He looks almost exactly like Oliver did, only he's just a kitten.  Spooky, huh?  I didn't want another cat, but he refused to go away and he made E. feel better after losing her cat, so he stays.  That desperate look on his face?  It's like that all the time.  He's overly affectionate - almost annoyingly so.

Ok, this is me at the Harry Truman Library in Kansas City.  I'm a huge fan of Harry Truman.  We spent 2 lovely afternoons at the museum.  Oh, and I LOVED Kansas City!  We were there in September for a conference.  I just thought I would share a pic of myself, chubby legs and all, since nobody ever posts pictures of themselves on their blogs.  Maybe someone else will get brave enough to do it now.  Come on!  I know I'm not the only one who wants to see what her blogger friends look like ;)



  1. I'm so glad to see you back, Marie! I have missed you! Hairy is adorable! How sweet that he came to you just at the perfect moment? Chubby legs? Where? I just see a beautiful you!

  2. I don't see any chubby legs either!
    Nice post, sounds like you have a very busy life!
    About the pumpkin topiary...I have never had it tip over. I choose pumpkins that kind of invert in so that they balance quite nicely.
    Sounds strange, but it works!
    Thanks for coming by my blog, hope to hear from you again!

  3. Hi Marie - sounds like all of Minnesota is busy... it is busy here to with fall preparations and of course deer hunting is just around the corner! I am trying to get around and check in on all of my blogger friends - I am headed over to check out your new blog - Oh that Thor is a cutie! and don't they grow fast!

  4. Thor is so cute and he has grown!

    Overly affectionate cats? I have a few.

    Glad to have you back and congrats on the new blog. Will check it out now. :)
