This is where I go out on a limb and ponder a while.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day Two: Water

I am thankful for fresh water.  I know this isn't mind-blowing, but I have been dealing with a faulty kitchen faucet for several months.  It's been dying a slow death, gradually slowing to a trickle.  It had gotten to the point where I turned it on to fill the coffee pot in the morning and walked away to get the breakfast dishes and cereal out because it was too frustrating to stand there and watch!  I finally threatened to go on strike.  By that I meant paper plates, frozen dinners, and forget about processing any venison this fall if I didn't get a new faucet!  So last night I got my new faucet.  And it's a super nice one, a tall one that you can fit a big pot underneath and with the pull-down spray nozzle and the built-in soap dispenser.  So he really listened to me.  And this morning, I was so delighted with it, I almost wanted to just indulge in water play, just because I can!

But seriously, it made me think about how we take water for granted.  I remember when I was a child, my parents used to have access to a friend's hunting cabin once a year.  It was way out in the woods, very remote.  There was no running water and no electricity.  We used to get a kick out of hauling water from an underground spring to wash dishes.  And, of course, we had to use an outhouse.  It was fun for one weekend out of the year.  But as an adult with children, I wouldn't see the fun in it, day after day, year-round.  

When a disaster hits, such as earthquakes, severe weather, etc., fresh water can mean the difference between life and death. Here in Minnesota we rarely have a need to worry about it.  I do have a little water stashed in case of a power outage, but I guess I never seriously worried about it.  But let's give it a thought today:  there are still people in this world who have to draw their drinking water from a river.  The same river that is used for bathing and laundering.  It's unimaginable to us, but it is the only option for many people.  It is the only life they know.  And we don't even think twice about turning on the faucet and letting the water run for a while to let it get to the right temperature.

               I am so thankful for fresh, clean water.  I won't take it for granted.


  1. Marie - I tried leaving a comment yesterday and wasn't successful... You are one of the winners in my Shutterfly giveaway - please email me your email info and I will forward you the Promotional Code for your own Xmas cards! Hope to hear from you soon! HAve a wonderful Minnesota day!

  2. I totally hear you on the water thing. We were out for a couple of days due to a snowstorm/power outage, and you do realize how fortunate you are.

    Love, love your faucet! It's bee-u-t-ful. :)

  3. Love your new faucet,isn't it amazing what we take for granted!
    You asked about the china, it's British Castles and I only have 4 plates but would love to get more when I can find them for a good price.
    Thanks for reading my blog.

  4. Yep, the first thing this Ozark Farm Chick does when returnin' from a trip is to run directly to my facuet, I do not pass go..I do not collect two hundred dollars, and get a nice cold drink from our fabulous 'well' water. 'Nothin' like it...chemical free. MMMmmmmm.

    I hear on the news ( I truly need to stop's so stinkin' drepressin') that with the world growin' so fast that water is becomin' our most valuable asset.

    Here in these hills and hollers those dreaded Ozark ice storms can put us outta electric for over a week at a time. I too keep water 'saved'.

    I'm quite smitten with your new's fantastic.

    Ya'll have a blessed and beautiful day!!! :o)
