I feel as though Christmas ran past me this year. I somehow missed it. Oh, I was here; buying gifts, wrapping them, planning the Christmas Eve celebration, the Christmas Day celebration, making travel plans, baking treats. But in the midst of all of that busy-ness I skipped what was really important, and I guess that's why I now experience this shocking sensation that WE FORGOT TO HAVE CHRISTMAS!
Now when I look back at my attitude, I wonder if it showed. Did anyone else notice my lack of enthusiasm? Even worse, was I a Grinch?! Oh, I hope Libby didn't notice! Christmas is still a magical time at the age of 10. Normally I really swim in Christmas magic! I keep Christmas music on all day, I try to decorate every corner of the house, and make more treats than we can possibly consume. I asked myself several times this season why I just couldn't get into the spirit. Seriously, besides buying and half-heartedly wrapping gifts, I did very little else to make our home Christmasy. But I know in my heart it was because I didn't prepare my spiritual life for the season. This needs to be the main focus of Christmas for me or it falls flat.
We did go to church on Christmas Eve, but my mind was on other things. Thinking about what I needed to do once we got home- the whole clan joined us for an evening of family fun. Thinking about those adorable babies in church - they can be very distracting! Wondering if I had remembered everything I needed for our trip the next morning to visit relatives far away.
Well, I can't take it back. All I can do is remember from this year forward to keep my heart focused on "The Reason for the Season", and everything else will fall into place. This is something I already knew, of course, but I just lost my way for a little while. It's ok, He knows. He's just been waiting for me to find my way back.
Here's a few photos to let you know that the season wasn't a total loss - I love my family!
I know this is a fuzzy photo, but Libby and Myrah rarely hold still. I think it's so cute because they love each other dearly! |
A very happy Nana. |
Look who I've got - beautiful baby Maddie! |
Oh, Matt has a soft spot for new baby Charlie! This was taken on Christmas Eve, |
and this was taken on Thanksgiving Day - They're almost the same except that Charlie has grown a lot! |
Myrah so wanted to give Jack a hug, but he wasn't having any of it! He knows his polar bear will protect him! |
Here's hoping you will be blessed this new year. I plan to NOT take anything or anyone for granted and to keep Him close to my heart.
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