This is all I can seem to think about these days. We just bought a ranch. 160 acres of beautiful views in every direction. The house sits right smack in the middle of the property on a hill. This is the view from the deck. When I'm there I spend a lot of time just looking at the big expanse of sky. And when I'm here at home, all I think about is the ranch and wish I was there. I'm a bit claustrophobic and I am loving all that spaciousness. I used to love going out west to Wyoming and Montana where I could see for miles and miles in every direction. Never much liked the closed-in feeling of the big woods. So now we have two properties that we're trying to take care of, and I have to say it's more work than I expected. We need to make a commitment to one or the other, I guess. We know we want to live out at the ranch, but it's a hefty commute for my husband to make to work each day, and not such a great trade-off as far as schools for our daughter. So, for the summer, probably just a place to knock around on the weekends. So much fun...!